Refund and Returns Policy

Refunds of Physical Products

Under certain conditions, you may be eligible for a refund so long as it has been less than 30 days since you received the item(s). We use our tracking information to verify the date of receipt for our items. Before contacting us about a refund, please review the following eligibility requirements:

  1. You must request your return within 30 days of receiving the item.
  2. Once you receive a refund, you must also return the item to us.
  3. For a full refund, the item can not be opened or damaged in a manner that reasonably could not have happened during the shipping process. We will request a photograph of the item, and use this as the basis for evaluating your eligibility.
  4. If the product contains a voice license, the voice license must not have been removed from the packaging or activated. If the voice license has been activated, then a refund or return can not be made.